Mt. Airy, North Carolina is a Must For Fans of the Andy Griffith Show

There weren't many shows as good as The Andy Giffith Show in the 1960's. For fans of the show, it is a must that one make the pilgrimage to Mt. Airy, North Carolina, hometown of Andy Griffith, to see various replicas and memorabilia from the show. 

We paid Mt. Airy a short visit on our way to the east coast. How could we not?. Our route from the midwest went right by the town. Being a connoisseur of the show, it would have been sacriligeous had we not stopped. 

Unfortunately, our visit was on an early Sunday morning, before opening hours of the museum were many props and memorabilia from the show are housed. However, we got to walk around the museum's grounds. 

In downtown, Floyd's Barber Shop was closed as well. But, we got some good photos regardless. 

At the outskirts of the downtown, we found many of the replicas from the show's iconic scenes and landmarks.

Going to the Fillin' Station for a bottle of pop. 

"No, paw, that song makes me cry!"

"Hey, dopie Opie, let's go to Foley's and swipe some apples!"

Howard wasn't in. Must have been at Sunday dinner at his mother's.

In the replica of the courthouse, we had a lot of fun looking at the props and mimicing poses of various scenes from the show. 

Yep, no detail left undone. Even the keys to the cell doors were there. 

"I sentence you to a fine of $2."

"Sarah? Get me the diner."

"Hello, Juanita? It's Barn..."

A dusty jar of Aunt Bee's kerosene cucumbers, and a dead fly or two, were on a nearby shelf. 

So, yes, if you ever find yourself in this corner of North Carolina, please pay a visit to Mt. Airy. You won't be dissapointed! Oh, and by the way, Goober says "Hey."

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  1. This is so cool. A must stop next time we head to the east coast. Thanks for sharing Mark!


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