Grateful for Getting Published. Hope for More to Come!

I have a lot to say. Traveling around the world has given me much to write about. Some of it is included here on this blog. Much more material is stacked in my Word files and will eventually see the light of day. And even more material will become available while MK and I continue with our travels. 

I have always hoped that I would get some of my work published. That is why I am grateful for Josh Noel with the Chicago Tribune for including in his articles a couple of my travel recollections in 2014 and more recently in 2015. Thank you sir!

To see my 2014 (for 2013) contribution, please go to (copy and paste into your browser):

To see my 2015 (for 2014) contribution, please go to (copy and paste into your browser):

I hope to get more of my material published in the future. Stay tuned!  
